Saturday, July 4, 2009

How Can So Many Be Wrong?

A few days ago i was asked how, if i am right about God, so many people could possibly be wrong about God. Rather than answering with a standardized answer e.g look how many people believed the earth was flat, i thought about it a little. This morning i got my answer from one of the most unlikely sources.

"So many religions but only one God, i don't need another savior...."
-Ozzy Osbourne

So, if i am wrong this still means that only one of your religions are right. Joke is still on you.... See you at the barbecue in hell...


Unknown said...

lol im startin 2 belive u..... ill be joining u @dat barbaque or well it atleast looks like it ...

Mullmeister said...

Glad to see your looking more critically at the world around you but i must say, don't just go against thing for the sake of it, replace it with something useful....

eizzy.k said...

Hahaha, nice one!...

eizzy.k said...

but seriously, who says only one is right???

Thats too reductionist!
Nothing in life ever has a straight forward right answer or explanation.

They say reality is relative. Your truths may not be my truths, but who is to say mine/yours isnt the real truth? To claim there is one truth, (and that yours is the one truth) is very ethnocentric!

Its live viewing an object from several different angles...your all looking at the same thing, but it looks different from your particular perspective. (hence the many religions and one God)

Religious debate shouldn’t be debased to merely arguing about who is right and wrong.
thats just dumb.

Mullmeister said...

@ Eizzy. I didn't say that only one is right. My view on God is very different and i will explain it soon. Then you will see but for now lets go with what we already know. Its the religions themselves who claim there is only one god....

Well, as for truth, alot of this is speculation, just like most of science is. it is only a truth when it has been proven which it hasn't so we can only really guess. So they are all truths until proven otherwise... Though as they say ' The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence' but in the case of god there has been you could say a consistent lack of evidence thus making it more likely that god is none existent. Again this is not my view but a statement of logic.

Arguing who is right or wrong is not debate at all. Its finger pointing. Saying WHY they are wrong is the real debate.

I like how you did not critisise anything i said but rather the way i said it.

Bertha said...

I like your views and yeah they do seem to make sense... see for me not everything in religion makes sense or is straight forward, but I guess in da end it all comes down to faith, cuz religion goes hand in hand with faith...