There has to be a God. This is one argument believers have always been able to flatten me with. I will elaborate.
Both Atheists and Believers ( I will call them Children Of God from now on for the sole purpose of my own amusement) accept that the universe is an object of immense complexity. Now children of God always ask me how such a complex system could just randomly come into existence without the help of a supernatural being, a greater architect planning it all and putting it together. To be honest when I try and think about as complex a thing as the universe my head starts to spin and i lose perspective since it reminds me just how small we all are. This is not the point.
The point is yes, I don't know. I have no answer, but what I do now have is another question. Okay, i concede i cannot answer the universe question but can a a child of God tell me this. Who is God, who made God? Can such a complex and all powerful being just come into creation? How was God made? Who decided God should be the Alpha and the Omega? Why not me?
Please don't say God just is... Because then I can easily say the universe just is and we are back to square one...
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Hi, I will break the status quo and leave a comment, with my opinion.
I happen to think that we (our existence, and the cosmos) are the result of what a massive amount of time will produce.
Perhaps billions or trillions of years, things seem to have fell into place and developed on it's own, no god or super being needed.
I also think we will never really know the answer.
The god answer closes the door to investigation and warrants no further examination, therefore using the answer "god did it" one no longer has to ponder and question and is left satisfied that a god did it, and of course it's always the very god that we would personally prefer to believe in.
I agree with you there. The Universe is very old and has developed this way over time but that still leaves the question what was there before and how did it all start? This we will perhaps never know.
For centuries man kind has used God as an excuse. Man does not like to say 'I don't know' so the next best thing is to attribute things to a higher power. I would like to point out BF Skinner Superstitious Pigeon Experiment here.
Classic God of the Gaps mallarcky! I can't comprehend it, so god must have done it.
Why doesn't everyone just have alittle faith?? There must be a God!?! otherwise, what is this pointless mortal life all about and for...?? i won't be able to sleep at night! And we can't have that, so i conclude there must be a God with a higher plan for all of us and who is in control of the uncontrollable.
Excuses Excuses... so things are best left unexplained...
Man kind from his lack of knowledge, presumes a "god did it" because he knows if he were shown how the universe were created, his minute mind could not comprehend it all, therefore he thinks only a higher being could comprehend it all (his favorite god) and of course only his favorite god could have created the universe.
Man thinks surely his god must require reverence and worship and is expecting to be acknowledged by him, since most men are looking for acknowledgment from his own peers, therefore he presumes his god must surely be like him too.
So from a lack of understanding and ignorance, a book was written (the bible) because he knows in his own mind he could not possibly comprehend and understand the existence of his own favorite god.
Well, in answer to you Sam, God is useful because it gives those in terrible situations a will to live the best they can.
In response to why I dont believe in the afterlife i will simply quote something i heard though i do not remember who said it:
"Is it not enough to appreciate the beauty of a garden without having to believe there are fairies at the bottom of it as well?"
See where i am coming from?
As for the reason why I would rather not know that accept that God did it is simple. By saying it was God i am giving up the search for answers and the truth will never be known because I will not be searched for.
The mind does not like to accept not knowing. This was proven in BF skinners pigeon expiriment.
Interesting way of seeing things Bently. Reminds me of something Einstien said: Nothing is infinite except the universe and Human stupidity
In response to Mullmeister's comment:
It proves then that the mind has a mind of its own (& so on)... since if the mind doesn't like to accept that it can't comprehend certain things means that it can control what to like and not to like, making decisions without us consciously doing it... very freaky! Makes us wonder & ask the question; who is in control of our minds?? I guess the most simple and fitting answer with relevance to your blog is; GOD! Lol!
Cos how can we comprehend our minds!!? The brain is still a huge mystery that we haven't been able to figure out yet. So lets blame it on God!! God must have had a hand in this. Which brings us back around full circle to the fact that if God is in control of our minds he must have thus created them & us & everything else! LOL! I might as well stop there before i lose myself.
Love the Einstien comment, btw!
The fact that we can't fully understand ourselves & how we came into being means that rather than admit defeat the human race creates a false religion to believe in & explain the unexplainable. Helping us to get on with living our lives and stop pondering the unthinkable!!
That is a good point. The mind is one area where science has failed us and thus religion has the best 'answers'. After all science has been unable to pin point the mind to one particular are of the brain for example. Because of basic flaws like this science cannot explain the mind and thus explanations drift back towards the spiritual and magical realm which science hates so much. Auras are a good example of this. An invisible energy we all feel yet cannot explain. For those who do not know, an example of our Aura is your personal space. For example you can tell usually if someone is staring at you. Maybe that is just me but i think the point is made. I refuse to concede to God being a supernatural being.
I would rather say I don't know than to give up my search for truth...
Mull, please see my post Atheism 101.
I had a very similar discussion w/ an atheist. To say that Christians use 'God did it' as an excuse to chuck our natural investigative drive is insulting.
Maybe some Christians are like this - the lazy ones - but there are hundreds/thousands/millions more who appreciate science & are fascinated w/ how things came into being. Just because I happen to believe that God's hand created that atom, doesn't mean that I'm going to stop investigating the structure of it, the qualities it has, the potentials it has, etc. God created it - God gave it infinite complexity & God gave us minds to puzzle it out - & JOY when we do! (Ever had one of those thrilling 'ah-ha' moments?)
IMO: How fascinating & how very, very generous of God to do this for us! We could study/investigate/ponder for the rest of our lives & enjoy every minute of it - & never get to it all. Fantastic!
That is a very good point Susannah.Human laziness has clouded a lot of peoples need for answers. And the 'God knows so I don't need to know' is a very commonly used excuse these days even though it is not used in those exact same words.
Not everyone has an inquisitive mind. After all, ignorance is bliss
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